December 20, 2009

A Lemon's Manifesto

As the year draws to a close, I wanted to share some thoughts for a future we can all believe in... The following words are mine, and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of anyone else - but, my guess is that we're not all that different.

I believe…

I believe we borrow the earth from our children; we do not inherit it from our ancestors. As such, I believe that our role – in our short time here – is to make the world a better place.

I believe in the ripple effect. If we focus positive energy in our own lives, neighbourhoods, social circles, and workplaces, that energy will ripple outwards. I also believe in the butterfly effect – the theory that a single flap of a butterfly’s wings can impact the winds worlds away. Small positive actions every day can create large-scale positive changes in the world – tomorrow, and for years to come.

I believe that everyone is accountable for their actions. There are enough guideposts in this world, whether in public, in one’s mind and heart, or in one’s immediate environment, to separate the good from the bad.

I believe that right and wrong are subjective – that good and bad are not. Good and bad are guided by morals. Being good means not hurting others – physically, emotionally or mentally. And no excuse can be made for not understanding when you are hurt, or when you hurt someone. Right or wrong are directed by societal law, and therefore change based on history, culture, religion or geographic location. This means that, depending on your timestamp in history and your location in the world, right and wrong can change… but, good and bad never will.

I believe that everyone is a role model. I believe that celebrities - musicians, singers, actors, athletes, politicians, and everyone in the public light ARE role models! Children (those we borrow the earth from) are watching, learning, growing and repeating. Role models who choose bad actions, independent of their inner emotions towards those actions (such as guilt) are demonstrating that bad is OK. And, it is not. Children cannot see what you feel, and rarely understand consequence. They are seeing the stardom and fame upon you. Act (don’t react) accordingly.

I believe that those who shape the environment influence perceptions and paradigms. If you are in marketing, in public relations, in communications, in any position where your output is visible – you have a role to play. Every news report, every billboard, every message influences people. Create a better world.

I believe that justice, in terms of protecting the good from the bad, trumps mercy – as hard as that may be. And, I do not claim any ability to make this happen, though I’ve never been in the position to choose.

I believe that all human beings are created equal – with 78 organs, 206 bones, flesh, blood, a heart and a brain. I believe that perceptions are shaped by others, and that it is often within these perceptions that hatred is born. I believe that hatred is the root of bad.

I believe that sometimes, symbols are created to cover up “bad”, but that the symbols unto themselves are “good”. And, I believe that sometimes, humanity needs these symbols. I believe that if humanity – unanimously – finds strength in these symbols, and what they stand for, the world can be a better place, and the “bad” will be removed.

Finally, I believe that we are each, individually responsible for a better planet, a better world and a better future for our children.

What do you believe?

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade...

December 7, 2009

Bash Marketing: The art of undressing your competitor in the hopes of converting potential consumers

OK folks, I just can’t hold back...

This past weekend was a weekend meant to catch up on home errands. I do love to do that. It makes the following week so peaceful and productive on all fronts. So, while I’m cleaning around the house and setting things up (as we moved just recently), of course, the tube is on. (Little confession: I can get easily distracted with the TV on!)

All I can say is “OMG!” I canNOT believe the number of products – big brands – that are out there indulging in (what I’ve not-so-affectionately dubbed) bash marketing. I’ve
Googled the term and it certainly doesn’t exist – at least, not the way it’s defined in my mind. Ooooh, you’d like to see that definition... Alrighty then, here it is:

Bash marketing –

Marketing strategies, concepts and executions based on the notion that undressing (putting down) the competitor(s) will achieve purchase consideration, intent and decision for the brand.

Usually executed by explicitly naming one or more competitor(s) in the execution, by demonstrating the competitor(s) weakness(es) sometimes in comparison to the brand’s benefits (but usually not), and by trying to make fun of the competitor(s) in question.

Now, maybe this is very juvenile to think, but didn’t your mama ever tell you not to make fun of others, even if you didn’t like them? And, didn’t you learn that sometimes, you should just worry about what you’re doing and how you’re coming across instead of worrying about other?

My personal favourite is the Bui
ck Lacrosse vs. Lexus ES350. Did you notice the tagline rip-off? (Lexus’s tagline is “The pursuit of perfection”; and in this commercial, the Lacrosse supporters ask: “If perfection is what you pursue...”)Two questions come to mind – even if you aren’t in the market for a new “luxury” car:
  • Did this commercial make you want to buy a Buick?
  • Did this commercial make you think that Buick is better than Lexus?
When people buy luxury cars, they are expecting a few things: a well-known brand, unique features (i.e. leather seats, panelling, chrome), and a car that works. In the case of this commercial – you’ve shown me 2 well-known brands, 2 cars – each with oddly similar features – and, 2 cars which I have no doubt, “work just fine”. So, I’m really unclear as to how this commercial did anything to convert me from being a Lexus purchaser to a Buick purchaser.

Here’s the thing, and I’m speaking based on informal conversations with others who have recently purchased luxury cars (since my Hyundai Elantra 2005 does not qualify). When people buy these types of cars, they are not just buying a car – they are buying a statement. They want to belong to something, they want to own a piece of exclusivity, they want an accessory to their outfits. They also want service, they want treatment, they want to feel important. Did this commercial provide assurance for any of that?

Sadly, bash marketing is not only used here. No doubt, it goes back a long way, and transcends a multitude of industries:

And, my question is: does the instigator ever win?

As a consumer, when I see bash marketing being used, I think: OK, I know what you think is wrong with your competitor; but I don’t know what’s good about you. If you’re someone I trust I may believe your opinion of the other brand; but, what if I don’t? If I don’t, you’ve just basically pushed me away, and I’m somehow certain that’s not what you would like to do.

Bottom line: show the consumer what YOU are good at. Recognize their wants, desires, needs and show how YOU respond. This is not about the other guy; this is about YOUR relationship with your consumer (or potential consumer). Don’t be negative; don’t be defensive... just be YOURSELF!

That’s my rant.

So, bash marketing... do you like or dislike?

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

November 23, 2009

Strategy vs. execution: It’s a chicken & egg thing (Part II)

I think the link between strategy and execution is so interesting. What I’ve found particularly interesting over the past week, and much longer if I really think about it, is that it’s difficult to find examples of stellar execution of a weak or uninspiring strategy.

Why? Well - and this is strictly my opinion - my gut tells me that great strategy is just that much sexier than great execution. Agree?

To continue using the architect and builder concept from Part I, let’s consider this: Imagine that your architect comes up with a cube – no, no... nothing fancy, JUST. A. CUBE. Well, honey, you can get the most amazing, safest, quickest, most efficient builder in the world and what do you get. STILL. JUST. A. CUBE.

So, I got to thinking – how do you demonstrate this? And, I got to solving... how ‘bout a little T-dot (aka Toronto) controversy?

Recognize the building in the pic up there? If for no other reason, I would hope most of you Torontonians (or GTA-residents) would recognize it from newspapers: It’s the Michael Lee Chin ROM Crystal (Royal Ontario Museum). The design is from a Polish-born, US architect: Daniel Libeskind. According to Libeskind himself:

"Why should one expect the new addition to the ROM to be 'business as usual'? Architecture in our time is no longer an introvert's business. On the contrary, the creation of communicative, stunning and unexpected architecture signals a bold re-awakening of the civic life of the museum and the city."

- Daniel Libeskind

An absolutely robust structure gracing one of Toronto's most revered neighbourhoods (edge of Yorkville), the new face of one of Toronto’s (heck, one of the world’s) most prestigious museums. So, what do you think?

Well, according to, the ROM Crystal is the 8th Ugliest Building in the World. I’ve also heard lots of fodder from my fellow GTA-ers that the ROM is a real eye-sore, clashing so badly with the previous heritage building that was the face of the ROM. I think it’s fair to say, based on these reviews, that this is a pretty solid demonstration of how great execution will not save a poor strategy. (And, sadly – even if you thought this was a great piece of architecture, a great vision, a great strategy, the groundswell of negativity – the perception – is enough to make the strategy look like it failed. And, we all know: perception is reality. Just a note, though - the building itself is a pretty impressive feat of mechanical structure!

I propose, therefore, that like architecture, marketing is both an art and a science – requiring both to succeed: Will great execution in the art of marketing save poor strategy? Can an awesome strategy stand proud through poor execution?

To all my marketing peeps, this is one of those clichés that is irrefutable: “Great Strategy + Great Execution” is the ONLY way to have GREAT MARKETING.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject…

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

November 16, 2009

Strategy vs. execution: It’s a chicken & egg thing (Part I)

World-renowned builders have often said that anyone’s design can (and probably will) fail if it isn’t built properly. A statement also known as: good strategy dies with poor execution. On the other hand, many-a world-class architect will be more than happy to explain that if builders don’t have an inspiring design to work with, the results will be less than stellar. In this latter comment, essentially, we can see that great execution can’t deliver much without some sort of vision or strategy. Do you agree?

So, here’s the question: which is more important – strategy or execution? The answer: both!

A great historical personality will help me demonstrate, Part I - How great strategy dies with poor execution:
Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923). If his name sounds familiar, it’s because he was the engineer behind the Eiffel Tower itself. Eiffel was an extremely ingenious and creative metalwork engineer who inspired vision within his own organization. His vision led to the building, with stellar execution, of many bridges and buildings across Europe. In fact, Eiffel and his company won awards, accolades and renown for creative and visionary design and outstanding execution. Such successes include both the (not-so-surprising) Eiffel Tower itself, and the (perhaps-a-little-surprising) structure inside the Statue of Liberty. The building of the Eiffel Tower, for example, was an extremely dangerous proposition for the approximately 300 workers who joined in; but thanks to Eiffel’s safety precautions, only 1 worker didn’t survive the 2-year building endeavour.

Clearly, Gustave Eiffel was a great visionary and strategist, able to surround himself with outstanding “builders”. The result: creative design that stood out for their times and for ours, historical monuments with deep cultural meaning and structure to outlast time and the elements.

In a less than shining moment, however, this unparalleled (for his time) strategist, visionary and builder, ended his career due – in large part – to poor execution. In 1887, Eiffel agreed to build the Panama Canal locks. Poor planning and execution – not just of the building, but of the entire project management – landed Eiffel in court, in prison and then released. His reputation damaged so badly, Eiffel ended his engineering work, and we will never know what could have been.

This was the biggest contract in his entire career in business, and also the one with the greatest risk. Given the risk he faced, he was granted major financial advantages and solid guarantees, which allowed him to collect his profit as soon as the work was begun. Despite the care which Eiffel took in the project, the liquidation of the canal construction company, Compagnie du Canal, on February 4 1889, led to his own indictment for fraud alongside De Lesseps and his son, and to a sentence of two years in prison and a fine of 2000 francs, even though nothing could really be blamed on him personally. With his honour and dignity severely compromised, he withdrew from business. The ruling was later to be annulled by the highest appeal court, the Cour de Cassation, liberating him of all obligations concerning the accusations, which put an end to any further court action against him.

There is no doubt here that great strategy dies with poor execution...

Stay tuned... Part II will explore how bad strategy cannot live with great execution; nor can great execution deliver strategy where there was none.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

November 11, 2009

Lest we forget

I am one of THOSE people. One of the cheesy people who, on a day like Remembrance Day, tries to learn one more piece of history (usually Canadian, because I am) about what war time(s) was (were) like – and, in particular WWI and WWII.

Personally, my family tree was touched by the war – as, essentially, everyone’s was. My grandparents were Eastern European Jews who left before it got crazy, but none-the-less, who I’m sure saw more and heard more than they wanted to hear and see. My grandfather, while in Canada, even enlisted to go to the front in WWII, but was refused due to the results of his physical. He was quite saddened by this – noting that some of his friends would go, many would never come back, and he would not have the chance to be by their side. (Though, selfishly, I must admit, I’m glad he didn’t...)

In the spring of 2000, I met Grant McCrae – son of John (
In Flander’s Field), and one of the pioneers of the Memory Project. It was a real honour to meet Grant and hear some of his stories. I recall Grant telling me about leading his team on a reconnaissance mission behind enemy lines, over Germany. They were shot down and taken prisoner. Yes – Grant was a POW; and a lucky one – he’s alive today to tell his story. When we met, Canada’s “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” was announced, and would soon be placed alongside the Cenotaph in Ottawa, ON (at Elgin and Wellington). Grant was going to be present at the arrival of the soldier. He said: “When we were shot down, it was the last time I saw my best friend; this soldier will represent him for me.” (Yes, there were tears.)

Today, though we still fight wars to protect freedoms, we always remember on the 11th day of the 11th month, at the 11th hour. We remember brave men and women who died to protect our freedoms, and the freedoms taken away from others. Lest we forget.

We were given a gift – at a time when most of us were not even born yet... I know it’s corny to quote a movie, but those of you who may remember part of the closing scene in
Saving Private Ryan; let’s earn it.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade

November 3, 2009

It’s a real pleasure to be able to get back to blogging and (re)joining the social media space… It’s a place I’ve grown to enjoy. And, what makes this evening’s blog post a little more enjoyable is that I am firmly ensconced in my new living room, looking out to one of the most stunning new condo buildings gracing the Mississauga (Ontario) skyline and a sea of lights against the night sky. On a clear day (doesn’t even have to be that clear), I can see the Niagara Escarpment. We just moved back to Mississauga’s City Centre, and I must admit – we love it!

So, what does any of that have to do with marketing and branding? Well, what I discovered on my journey to move back to condo living is that real estate for condos (and overall) marketing and branding has got to be an amazingly fun, creative gig! Check some of these out (focused on the Toronto, Ontario area – only because that’s where I live):

Merci, Le Condominium (Daniels’ Corporation)
Ice Condominiums (Lanterra Developments & Cadillac Fairview)
California Condominiums (Camrost Developments)

Here’s where I get a little hiccup… This is about someone’s home. Do all these developers and all their buildings REALLY deliver all those amazing things they promise? Luxury, accessibility, amenities… that feeling of “wow”. Maybe some do, maybe some don’t – and that is exactly what I am concerned about.

If you’re making promises about someone’s future home, and you don’t deliver – then what? What’s the recourse? And do you, as a builder even care?

Here’s how it might go:

The purchaser checks out an absolutely amazing condo marketing campaign and decides: “Hey, let’s check it out”. They get blown away by amazing customer service at the showroom (not to mention the luxurious environment and possibly the glass of champagne they just received). “OK, let’s do it!”

The purchaser puts down a portion of a down payment. The balance owing is due at “ground break”, which is when? Well, that all depends – but, in most cases, it’s when the builder has sold at least 75% of the units… and, THAT could take a while, depending on the market.

Fast-forward to moving in --> In some cases, the purchaser will have a nifty little welcome package but that may very well be the last you hear about or from the builder. Now, if the builder did their job right, that’s perfectly fine. But if not – the purchaser has just invested in their home and will very possibly face disappointment. NOT a feeling you wish to encounter upon taking possession of your (promised-to-be-luxurious-and-perfect) abode.

For the record, we LOVE the building we’re in; but the “getting here” was a nightmare!

This is a message to all you builders out there: Not only do you need to deliver the building and all its amenities as luxuriously and well-built as you promised, but you should also consider the partners you’re aligning yourself with. Think about the property manager, rental manager and real estate brokers YOU hire to make the “experience” complete. An experience, in any industry, is a full portfolio of contact points between YOU and your customers, your fans. Each part of the experience is inevitably a reflection on you; too many bad impressions lead to bad reviews. In these times of instant access to the world, my recommendation is steer clear of bad reviews!

Yes, I know that as a builder, you don’t have complete control over every single point of contact that the future owners will have with your building. I think most people know this… but, where it is possible to enhance the long term experience, do it!

This goes back to some basics of marketing: Happy customers will promote you, and will likely repurchase from you. Unhappy customers will tell all their friends and families (and in the world of social media – they’ll also tell EVERYONE ELSE). Your “secret weapon” – in the world of social media, the happy customer tells everyone else too! Leverage it…

BUILDERS – Remember, that while you are trying to (and most likely will) hit your bottom line, you are selling HOMES. Deliver on your promises!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

Special thanks to kleach photography for providing the photo

October 26, 2009

MarComm: The President, CEO and Chair is Spokesperson

OK, am I the only one who is mildly annoyed with hearing Ed Whitacre tell us about how nervous he was when he took the position of Chair of the Board of Directors for GM? What most rubs me the wrong way about this commercial is how Mr. Whitacre suggests that his doubts might remotely come close to mine.

Here's the thing: I am somehow certain that my personal balance sheet is far outshone by Mr. Whitacre’s. So, when I think of a new car, despite hopes and dreams and aspirations - our approach is likely quite different. Where I may want to drive a Lexus, an Acura – heck, why not a Ferrari, I recognize that my wish list of cars includes some cars which I may someday have access to, while others are simply pipe dreams.

I’m going to throw out a guess here: GM’s Chair probably drives a top-of-the-line Caddy, and has probably not driven an “average” car (i.e. Cobalt or even Traverse) in a very, very, very long time – if ever! So, to claim that he shares my doubts about the purchase of a car, or even the future of the automobile industry is quite unlikely.

Now, I’m not saying that Ed Whitacre doesn’t care about making good cars; nor am I saying that he doesn’t care about the industry. In fact, he probably very much does. But, when you choose a MarComm strategy where you are asking your President, CEO or Chair to be the spokesperson – the idea usually is that you are trying to get the public to see themselves in your company. Do you see yourself in Edward E. Whitacre, Jr.?

And, folks, I am well aware that there are also other objectives to using this strategy. By placing the President, CEO and/or Chair as spokesperson:
· We’re showing a “face to the company”;
· We’re putting someone’s “skin in the game”; and,
· We’re letting the consumers (and potential consumers) know that we’re human beings too.

My own opinion: The whole strategy always works much better when the audience can relate to the spokesperson.

One personality who managed this execution well is President’s Choice with

Galen Weston. Now, whether you like this guy or not is not so much the issue. The point is that President’s Choice is targeting families, Canadian families to be more precise. And, Galen's approach - from the tone of his voice to the type of message essentially positions him as "the guy next door". Can’t you see Galen taking his kid to soccer practice, or putting together a tree house in the backyard? Here is a personality which achieves the goals of the strategy.

PLEASE NOTE – None of this commentary has anything to do with the value of either organization; this is simply some fodder around the execution of message delivery.

It may not always be easy, but when you’re the person in charge of the MarComm area, we have to find a way to (politely) be honest to our “Grand Fromages” (yes, that’s what I like to call ‘em). It is critically important to the brand that we ARE being genuine. In the world of social media, instant gratification, and iPhone journalists – we have to always ALWAYS consider how the audience will react... You no longer need to wait for results in terms of sales and market share – you’ll hear about successes and failures online – sometimes maybe even in a blog... like this one.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!

October 19, 2009

A little lemon twist with your Marketing-tini?

So… why does the world need another marketer creating another blog on his or her view of marketing? Well, maybe it doesn’t – but, I’m adding one anyways! I believe that there is always a new way to look at things, a different way… and, in my experience, every extra little bit of information you get on a (marketing) problem gives you one little extra glimpse at a potential solution. With this in mind – I’d like to add a glimpse with a “lemon twist”, which is the best way to have a martini, so perhaps a great way to have a new insight!

For this introductory post, I simply want to share a quick thought on the power of marketing… For me, there is no doubt that marketing and branding have the ability to shape the world around us. The power of our words, of our actions – and ultimately of the delivery on our promises – can change the world. I don’t mean to sound self-righteous but I genuinely believe that as marketers, brand managers, public relations managers, and event managers – essentially all of us who have an impact on society through our communications – influence the way people act and react.

This fine balance of art and science called marketing is not just about selling the widget and hitting the bottom line; it’s about far more. It’s about truly delivering value to the person purchasing the widget – and ideally delivering value to that person’s family, community, and maybe the world?

Future posts will look at campaigns in this light and share ideas and insights from other great marketers, bloggers, brand managers, authors, businesses and many others who influence and motivate me (and some who don’t).

When life gives you lemon, make lemonade!